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Hypercat dilution, times

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:17 am
by gerhs

looking for information about hypercat on different websites, I found different advice for preparation and dilution of that developer. For my first tests, I used it with 0.5 g Ascorbic acid and diluted 1:3:200 and got very thin negatives and some amount of uneven yellow fog on TMY even after 16 min of developement.
In Jay`s web blog, 1 g of Ascorbic acid is suggested and in his article on staining developers at digitaltruth, Jay recomends a dilution of 1+10+100.

Please Jay, could you give me some advice, based on your latest experience with the formulation and dilution of Hypercat and a starting point for developing time in combination with T-Max 400 35mm.
