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Rollei Infrared IR400, no filter

Kodak Tri-X 400

Foma Fomapan 400

Technical notes:
All film exposed identically with correct exposure set for ISO 400, f.8 @1/250th second. Filmstrip images show correct exposure in center, with +1 and +2 stops to the left, -1 and -2 stops to the right.


This test shows the efficacy of using Rollei Infrared film for non-infrared results. Without an infrared filter, Rollei IR400 demonstrates a wide latitude producing printable negatives across 5 stops. Tri-X 400 performs equally well; however, the overall density of the overexposed negatives is higher than Rollei IR400. Fomapan 400 shows the least latitude, with thin shadows in the -2 exposure, and too much density in both overexposed negatives.

Rollei Infrared IR400, no filter

2900dpi enlargement

Kodak Tri-X 400

2900dpi enlargement

Foma Fomapan 400

2900dpi enlargement

Technical notes:
Film was developed in Agfa Rodinal 1+50 for the recommended time.


Rollei IR400 grain is less apparent than both Tri-X 400 and Fomapan 400. Highlights are bright and retain exceptional levels of detail, shadows are full and show excellent separation. Mid-tones are slightly compressed compared to Tri-X. In the enlargement, the window frame shows the best detail in the moulding and has a true three-dimensional quality. The two black streaks running down the brickwork show the clearest shadow separation.

Kodak Tri-X 400 has better mid-tone contrast than the Rollei film, as can be seen in the brickwork. However, the highlights are more blocked up than the Rollei film, and the the window frame is more gray. Separation of the black ironwork from the mid-tone bricks is slightly weaker than Rollei IR400, although the overall contrast balance is good.

Foma Fomapan 400 is higher in contrast than the other two films, and there is notable loss of detail in both the shadows and highlights. The left section of the window frame has lost all separation and the moulding is not even evident. As the photograph was taken under cloudy bright conditions, the loss of highlight detail makes this film unsuitable for regular use in higher contrast situations. Mid-tone separation is acceptable, but the shadows block up easily as seen in the brickwork shown in the enlargement.

Click here for Rollei Infrared review on 35mmc.com


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